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New Moon in Sagittarius : Set Your Sights on What You Want To Create

Writer's picture: Eloise BonelEloise Bonel

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on 1 December at 4.21 pm AEST


Sagittarius is the teacher, explorer, and truth teller, searching endlessly for truth and meaning, knowledge, and experiences. As the archer, Sag sets its sights on where it feels called and makes moves towards its target.


  • Where do you set your sights?

  • What do you long to experience?

  • What life do you want to create for yourself?


Afterall, this is a new moon and prime for setting intentions and arrives at that time of year where we're wrapping up the year that was and starting to dream of what could be possible in the next year that unfolds.


With this new moon, the Sun, Moon, and Mercury (retrograde) are in Sagittarius inviting us to reflect and revise on both the area of our life/chart that contains Sagittarius, as well as the themes of Sagittarius.


  • What have you learnt in the last year and how do you want to apply and embody that knowledge moving forward?

  • What have you experienced in 2024 and what experiences do you want to create in 2025? (both in the sense of what you've done, but also what has transpired overall)

  • What have you taught and shared with the world and how do you want to build on that?


The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius trine Mars in Leo which gives us a last push before Mars goes retrograde from 6 December to 25 February which will make progress, ambition and best efforts seems like a struggle and prompt us to slow down and reflect or pay a price when acting on impulse.


We also have a T-Square aspect between the Sun and Moon, opposing Jupiter in Sagittarius, and Squaring Saturn in Pisces. We are being asked to focus and feel because it's easy to compartmentalise and do one or the other: avoiding the feelings, but carrying what is unresolved into the future (is this part of the intentions you set above?), or feeling without focus, ensnaring yourself in a cycle of chaos where nothing changes.


Whatever you're dreaming of, you have the power to move towards it with ease while also holding the ups and downs of the human experience if you choose to.


You can create what you want to experience while already experiencing what you want to create.


And isn't that what it's about?


Join me for my 2025 Visioning workshop where I'll guide you to uncover what it is your truly desire and equip you with the tools to design a year that's aligned, intentional, and deeply fulfilling.

Sending you love and New Moon blessings.

X Eloise

Artwork by @hheininge

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