The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on 15 December at 7.01 pm AEST.
The Full Moon in Gemini invites us to look at where and how the themes of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis are showing up in our lives. It is the axis of information versus knowledge, going broad versus going deep, information versus truth, the familiar versus what lies beyond, speaking your truth from your heart versus iterating what you have learnt from others, learning versus teaching.
With this Full Moon, we have the Sun in Sagittarius opposing the Moon in Gemini (that's conjunct Jupiter in Gemini) both squaring Neptune and the North Node in Pisces.
This carries with it a karma and an opportunity to break free from patterns and limitations that keep you stuck and playing small or caught up in the illusion that inspiration, happiness, and life are all happening somewhere somewhere else, in another time or another location without considering who or what might be within reach in your immediate vicinity to connect with, to bring these desires to life.
We are being asked to take a microscope to our lives and examine what's really available to us?
And perhaps more importantly, how can you be the things you want to call in?
Like attracts like, after all.
Jupiter in Gemini trining Venus in Aquarius invites us to find connection in places we might not usually seek it, in every interaction, no matter how big or small, nor who with.
There's still time to sign up for my 2025 visioning workshop if you are looking for support to gain clarity on what you want, what's already here, and how you can invite in MORE of the good stuff.
Sending you love and Full Moon blessings
x Eloise
Artwork by @Starkissedkate